Survival and Emergency

Many current household terms such as the global warming, floods and the intensification in the sea levels were not as common as they are today. Although I am amongst the people who are skeptical regarding many happenings that are reported by the media, even I would not term the environmental catastrophes such as the hurricanes, seismic activities, and twisters reported by the media as a method of enhancement of their channels ratings or their newspapers, as these happenings are a reality that is showing an escalation in the regularity of its occurrence. It seems as if things are going to get worse with the passage of time.

Regardless of the triggering factors of these emergencies and disasters, there are bright prospects that you’ll have encountered an emergency and survived it and become a survivor or be victimized by it. This choice rests with you.

The question is the measures that need to be taken into account to cope up with emergencies and increase the chances of survival. Normally when people are faced with the problem of say for instance floods, they are not very well prepared for the shortage of electricity and food that follows and the situation is not dealt with meticulously. The first seventy hours can literally be a nightmarish experience post an emergency situation.

Many people resort to buying numerous insurance policies as a result of for seeing a natural emergency or a catastrophe, but almost none have an actual strategy or a first aid kit at hand that can aid you should such a situation present itself. The time when these emergencies were believed not to occur, are times long gone. Today not only just mental notes should be made regarding the survival measures and the preparations for it, but there is a profound need to act on these measures too.

Sarfaraz was born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan, surrounded by traffic and technology. He writes mostly about diseases, the storybooks, futuristic columns, mysteries, as he likes to call it. He enjoys writing for web.

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